Case Study

Breaking Down Silos: Improving Care Coordination And Patient Engagement

Streamlining Data Management and Integration to Improve Care Coordination and Patient Engagement in an Integrated Care Organization



Siloed Systems Lead to Downfall

As an Integrated Care Organization, the client collects data from various systems. This is a problem as the majority of these systems are siloed. This creates many challenges for both members and clinicians. As a result, many members have a duplicated or fragmented care experience. This is frustrating and time-consuming. At the same time, clinicians spend an inordinate amount of time viewing multiple systems to get as complete a view as possible of the member and their health needs. This, too, is frustrating and can eat up resources, as well as cost a lot of money. Siloed systems need to be united so that users can have a streamlined experience that accurately portrays all the data. 


Managing Data and Aggregating Information

To start, it was imperative to improve care coordination. Not having proper coordination for care results in a waste of time and money. Productive Edge came in and aggregated all of the member information. It was placed into one screen for easy access. This provided a single source of truth to display comprehensive member information. The view is flexible and completely customizable. The next step was data integration. In order to overcome the client’s inability to properly manage data, Productive Edge utilized the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) app engine with integration to Azure Active Directory. This collected the data and displayed it to the right clinician at the right time. Lastly was the issue of patient engagement. Currently, members were struggling by not having flexibility in interactions. In order to overcome that, a mobile-enabled app was created. This specifically addressed the need for providing advanced flexibility when engaging with members.
This undertaking was no easy task. Despite the workload in order to complete it and meet the client’s goals, Productive Edge was able to bring the product to market at an unprecedented time of 9 months. This came with an accelerated move to the Google Cloud Platform. The extensible platform enabled other teams across LOBs to leverage the aggregate member view. The end result of all the hard work was an improved customer and employee experience. Collectively, 106k minutes were saved from not having to do mundane tasks and allowed the company to turn minutes into money.

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