Case Study

Revolutionizing Primary Care: A Regional Payer's Innovative Virtual Solution For Patient Needs

Transforming Care Delivery through Personalization and Data-Driven Insights



Filling critical gaps in the healthcare industry

When we partnered with our client, they were beginning to create an application to offer virtual primary healthcare services. The application would offer primary health services in a virtual-first delivery model, including preventive care, urgent care, behavioral health care, care coordination, and insurance navigation.

Our client wanted to fill critical gaps impacting patients, notably the 40% of patients who lacked primary care. They also wanted to address affordability and price transparency issues in the healthcare industry.

They needed to launch the initial project within weeks of our first engagement. In our collaborations, we were able to stand up an entirely new backend cloud infrastructure and build a custom mobile app that integrates their various partners for the launch within a tight deadline.



A Virtual Application that Facilitates Day to Day Processes

We worked closely with our client to create an application that offers various healthcare services in a virtual-first delivery model.

We worked with their team to implement the following:

  • The up-front marketing funnel, which accelerated new user registrations

  • Product and user experience design including the creation of an extensive design system

  • Profile management that offers self-service capabilities and control over personal health information

  • An enhanced onboarding and intake process that tailors initial care to each member’s needs

  • Concierge support to navigate bills and benefits

  • Chat and video capabilities for members to discuss their care needs, schedule appointments, and see a provider

The up-front marketing funnel allows users to register more efficiently and allows patients to identify their preferences. This provides them with the level of care most appropriate for their needs.

The new application not only creates a helpful system for consumers to organize their information and manage their primary care seamlessly but also improves efficiency and increases revenue for our client through new care services.

More importantly, the app provides them with access to clinical data that will assist in creating a longitudinal health record of its members and patients across claims and clinical data. This will enable them to personalize care better and offer personalized products and services to their target audience in the future.


Digital Venture Accelerator

Learn how we help healthcare organizations quickly and efficiently launch and scale new products and services, deliver innovative experiences and enter new markets.

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